How To Smoke Crack With Tin Foil

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Apr 27, 2019  Meth leaves no trails on foil really so once you get to the end of the piece of foil just turn it around and there you go again. Try not to run it over where it went before tho cuz it kinda starts to eat at the foil leaving tiny holes on it. Use the shiny side down when smoking any drugs on foil. Tin Foil and Straws: Known as freebasing, using tin foil and a straw (or a hollow pen) is probably the second-most common method for smoking crack. Users make a crease in the foil, heat the crack from underneath, and use a straw to inhale the smoke.

  1. How To Smoke Crack With Tin Foil Without
  2. How To Smoke Crack With Foil
  3. Real Tin Foil
10 Dec 2009 by HappierDays
27 November 2018
drug dependence, smoking, methamphetamine, marijuana

Trying to determine if my son was smoking meth off of foil. What would burned meth residue look like? He claims he was smoking pot from foil, but he has papers for rolling joints. He acted like he was on meth, but claims it was the X that he was ingesting and snorting. He supposedly has made all of his drug disclosures to us - he's been in 2 programs for 4+ months and has 12 months to go.

Responses (8)

Psychmajor10 Dec 2009

this could be almost anything, he could have smoked meth, xtc, other pills like amphetamines, (adhd meds are amphet.), pain killers, benzos, and more.. i doubt its pot unless it still looks like the leaves or is just complete ash (i guess if it was hash it could look like a line). if hes in treatment and isnt showing signs of wanting to be clean it would probably be best to have him do inpatient treatment because chances are hes going to keep using throughout the treatment and have no progress

kodysnaz19 Aug 2011

more along the lines of heroin.

painfree4life5 Oct 2011

herion,myth ,or bathsalt .bathsalt would leave a white dusty look myth would burn almost clean and herion would burn black . ive seen it all, i come from a very disfunctional family . inpatient help is what he needs and just pray it works . good luck to you and god bless.

chadknight23181 Mar 2010

I am sorry, but yes, he was smoking meth. You don't smoke weed on tin foil. Especially if you have papers. The only thing that you burn on tinfoil is meth (ice, dope, etc.. ) because it's the only drug that turns into oil when you heat it. So it requires a different means than something like pot that just burns into ash. Thus the tin foil. If he's still smoking it then at least he hasn't graduated to injecting it yet. So he's probably hasn't went fiend yet. If he had, you would abhsolutely know he was an addict. Meth transforms 99% of the normal and good people who get started on it into absolutely and thouroughly moraless fiends who will cut their own mothers throat for a $20 shot of meth. Every single female that I know that does meth will sell their bodies to absolutely anybody for a $20 shot of it. I know you're thinking that I exagerate, but I do not.

I saw people do things for it that I'll be really glad if I never have to think about them again. Sorry, I have to cut this short but if there's anything at all that you want to know about that world, such as telltale symptoms of doing meth, you can reach me. The best of luck.

Sacosam1 Sep 2010

Hey Chad; from saco's for what it's worth dept. Back in the late 50's and early 60's, Meth was a lot cleaner. Then, they also had something called 'crossroads' [an avg. sized white pill with a cross on it] Truck drivers could run cross country on either Meth. or crossroads, or 'Yellow Jackets'(Pharma. Meds.) no problems, no bad thoughts, nothing. As long as you kept a little food in you, you could run for a week. What are they making this crap they call Meth. out of today , anybody know ? ? Sacosam

oxyaaron5 Sep 2010

it is not necessicerally meth you can smoke alot of other drugs on tinfoil

dozerqueen23 Jun 2011

chadknight.. sounds more like you've been asociating with crack heads instead of people who do meth..

lynnann25 Jul 2012

Hi Chad.
Been there and done that meth everyday for 30 years but this female NEVER stole money or sold my body for a line. I stopped cold turkey 4 years ago and without help from ANYONE. I don't think you should lump every meth head together. Some of us addicts thought more of ourselves, believe in people or not.

Dsstany13 Apr 2018

Hello, I think my brother maybe doing this, he won’t tell us anything he asks for $20 $40 or $60 everytime he runs out of money from his pay check then he goes to the bathroom and when he comes back he’s all sweaty and yells and talks rude like then he’ll calm down and go back to the bathroom and it repeats I also noticed a burnt popcorny smell after he leaves, he has a little straw and tin foil with this black sticky stuff on the foil. I just need to know what he’s doing.

kkw466330 Aug 2010

I found a piece of tinfoil with a burnt brown residue in it. I found it in my husband's shorts pockets.. I questioned it and he said it was k2. I know better. I am thinking more along the lines of meth or crack.. Please help..

oxyaaron27 Sep 2010

could be meth wouldnt be crack you dont smoke that on tinfoil. could also be oxycontin or herion..

kodysnaz19 Aug 2011

To be honest with you, it is smoking heroin.

ylie30 Jan 2012

I found a piece of tin foil in my 22 year old sons room. he use to have a problem with pills and this piece of foil smells like an ash tray but has black residue on it and I'm concerned of what it is. please help..

JustAShow11 Jul 2013

I see this is old, but I want to add to it, in regards to meth burning almost clean on foil. False. If its cut a lot ( dealers put crap in the dope to make it look like more) than it can be black, and it happens often. In fact that best way to check to see if dope is cut too much is by doing a foil test. If it turns black, it's crap.

abreharris233 Aug 2013

There are a few things that can be smoked I know a few people that have even smoked pain pills so its possible but only time will tell.

satalite4413 Jun 2011

wallgreens has a drug test , nothing like a random to make him think.

briintheeye2 Feb 2012

How To Smoke Crack With Tin Foil Without

all those other responses to your question are probably wrong. You can smoke meth on foil but it does not leave much of a residue. If it looks like little black trails of residue that are left it is not meth, it's heroin. sorry.

lynnann25 Jul 2012

Sorry, you're wrong. Meth that is cut with bad crap DOES leave black on foil. Been there, done that.

Periclesgreekcolony1 Feb 2013

From experience I can tell you that pot would leave a black residue on the inside of a tinfoil pipe. The residue left from pot would be a sticky black residue that will stick to your fingers if you mess around with it, where as I believe crack and meth residues usually harden. Pot residues could also harden so I am not trying to tell you for sure what was in the pipe, just putting it out there that I wouldn't rule out pot and would check the consistency of the residue to have a better idea. Who knows though unless you find real proof of what is going on, so I wouldn't go jumping to conclusions. PS sometimes I don't feel like smoking a whole joint so I would make a tinfoil pipe to use myself dispite having papers or not, usually when i wanted to conserve my weed and not roll a whole joint.

bombedout3 Feb 2013

Ok the foil for smoking meth died out in the 90's your son is smoking herion hope im wrong but really if he is smoking meth on foil trust me he just started using it so fiind out now before it takes control of him

JustAShow11 Jul 2013

It didn't die out in the 90's. People still do it and in fact the last time my p

Ayla124628 Nov 2018

What kind of drug has a yellow trail on aluminum foil?

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Cocaine is a drug that’s classified as an addictive stimulant, and when it’s sold on the street it’s available in a powder form that’s snorted, and can also be dissolved in water and injected directly into the bloodstream. There’s also another way to abuse cocaine, however, and that’s by smoking it.

Cocaine can also be processed to create a rock crystal, and then someone heats it in a pipe, and the crystal emits vapors that are inhaled. This is often called crack or crack cocaine.


Regardless of how someone abuses cocaine when they do this drug, it affects the dopamine levels in their brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that’s associated with pleasure and reward. When you use cocaine, there is a release of large amounts of dopamine that then stay in the brain, rather than being recycled as they would under normal circumstances.

This is why people who use cocaine feel a euphoric high or rush.

How To Smoke Crack With Foil

Since cocaine is a stimulant, people also experience increased energy and wakefulness, and in some cases, they may feel more productive or have a false sense of well-being or sociability.

However, a cocaine high is short-lived, and when the effects of the drug wear off the person will likely experience a crash or come down, which can include depression and anxiety. Using cocaine, regardless of whether you’re smoking cocaine or snorting or injecting it, can also cause high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and tremors.

Long-term effects of using cocaine can include malnutrition, a higher risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, paranoia and long-lasting psychological symptoms.

There’s also something possible called cocaine psychosis. This is most likely to occur in heavy or long-term users of the drug. When someone is experiencing cocaine psychosis, they may lose touch with reality, become aggressive or violent, or experience hallucinations and paranoia.

So what about smoking cocaine? Why do people smoke cocaine, and are there more risks associated with using the drug in this way, even as compared to snorting it as an example?

Real Tin Foil

When someone smokes cocaine, it gives one of the most powerful highs, but it’s also one of the most dangerous ways to abuse this drug.

When someone smokes cocaine, it enters the bloodstream through the lungs very quickly. As cocaine passes through the membrane of the lungs, it can reach the brain within just a few seconds. Battleship tamil dubbed 720p watch online. This makes it more addictive even than snorting it, because the more rapid the onset of a high, typically the more addictive the drug is.

Some people report becoming addicted after smoking cocaine only one time. The reported high associated with smoking cocaine is also very powerful.

It’s an intense and almost immediately high, but it only lasts for anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, which is shorter than the high you would experience if you snorted cocaine. The fact that it’s a short-lived high is also a risk of smoking cocaine. This is because people are more likely to binge when they’re smoking cocaine, which means using it over and over again in order to stay high and avoid having the results of the drug wear off.

This cycle of binging when smoking cocaine can increase the risk of toxicity and an overdose occurring.

When the concept of smoking cocaine, it can be placed on foil and then heated, with the smoke being inhaled through a straw. Crack can also be smoked using a glass pipe.

There are other ways to smoke cocaine, too, including combining it with another drug.

For example, people may purposely or inadvertently combine cocaine and weed and smoke them. This is extremely dangerous because cocaine is a stimulant while marijuana is a depressant, so it can cause a person to experience a drug-induced psychosis because of the mixed effects of the drugs.

These aren’t the only risks of smoking cocaine. There are also risks associated with the damage it can cause to the lungs and the arteries. Anytime you’re smoking something you’re putting yourself at risk for damage to the lungs, and you’re also putting yourself at higher risk for certain kinds of cancer.

This risk is amplified even further by the fact that cocaine is almost always cut with other substances, some of which are highly toxic. When they’re introduced to your lungs and your blood vessels it can cause blockages and damage throughout your body.

Cocaine is always dangerous, but smoking cocaine tends to be even more dangerous than snorting the powder form of the drug.

Smoking cocaine goes straight from the lungs, to the heart and then to the brain, causing a rapid and extremely addictive effect. Even smoking cocaine once can lead to addiction, and this is in addition to the many other risks associated with this drug including psychosis, and sudden strokes and cardiac events.

Have more questions about Cocaine abuse?
See also
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