Daps Back Calculation Software

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Depreciation Calculator. If you are looking for an affordable fixed asset depreciation program that calculates depreciation using both tax and GAAP (financial statement) depreciation methods and produces easy to read depreciation schedules, then our Depreciation Calculator software is an excellent choice. Other depreciation programs have a significant learning curve to use them; however, our. DAPS – Deflection Analysis of Pavement Structures – is a rapid, accurate and reliable method for performing back-calculation of deflection results. The software is written using modern windows programming languages – with this version being developed for the Windows 98 operating system. Theoretical background.

Control System

AioFlo (pronounced aye-oh-flow) is a Windows application for pipe sizing (diameter calculation), flow rate and pressure drop calculations for liquids and gases in single phase flow. If you need a fast, flexible and accurate piping hydraulics calculator, download the free fully functional trial version to test it yourself.

The AioFlo hydraulic calculator will determine any one of pipe diameter, fluid flow rate or pressure drop when the other two are known. It performs liquid and isothermal gas flow hydraulic calculations. Preliminary calculations based on velocity rather than pressure drop are also possible. Resistance coefficients for a wide range of pipe fittings are built in.

Version 1.07 is a free upgrade to all registered users of AioFlo. Download and install over your old version.

Try AioFlo Pipe Flow Calculator for free before you buy

Testing the AioFlo pipe fluid flow calculator is risk free. Download and test the free, but fully functional, trial version before you make the decision to buy. After your purchase you are covered by our 30 day money back guarantee. No questions asked. And if AioFlo is upgraded tomorrow you get that free too. In fact all upgrades are free for 12 months after purchase. No risks, just great software.

Detailed Program Description

AioFlo (pronounced aye-oh-flow) is a Windows software application that solves pipe sizing (diameter calculation), pressure drop and fluid flow rate hydraulic problems for single phase flow in single pipes. It is based on the Darcy-Weisbach pipe sizing formula for liquid flow, and the integrated version for isothermal gas flow.

  • It is extremely flexible in that it can calculate any one of pipe diameter, fluid flow rate or pressure drop when given the other two. AioFlo can be used for incompressible and compressible (isothermal) Newtonian single phase fluids.
  • Fluid flows can be given in mass or volumetric terms and viscosities in dynamic or kinematic units.
  • The accuracy of AioFlo has been validated by extensive in-house testing and by thousands of engineers applying it to real-world problems. The examples pages show the results from AioFlo compared with worked examples from well known and respected references.
  • Units handling is unparalleled, allowing the units for any individual property to be set independently, or in predefined sets (US Customary, SI and Metric) and user-defined sets of mixed units.
  • Use of the Churchill friction factor equation allows seamless coverage for fluid flow rate and pressure drop calculations in the laminar, critical, transition and fully turbulent flow regimes. Pipe friction factors can be reported as Fanning, Moody, Darcy-Weisbach or Stanton friction factors to suit any industry convention.
  • Pipe fitting resistance coefficients (K-values) based on the Darby 3-K Method are included for a wide variety of generic pipe fittings. This allows accurate pressure drops to be calculated for pipe fittings, taking into account the fitting size (pipe diameter) and the Reynolds Number. Cv values for control valves can be included. Dimensions of orifice plates can be specified to determine the permanent pressure drops.
  • Pressure drops for changes in pipe size can be calculated for sudden expansions and contractions, conical tapered reducers and standard pipe reducers using the Hooper Method for the resistance coefficients (K-values).
  • Pipe diameters are included for Schedules 10S, 40 and 80 for pipes from 1/2 inch (15 mm) to 24 inch (600 mm), but any other pipe inside diameter can be entered manually.
  • Differences between the pipe start and end elevations are taken into account in determining the overall pressure drop. Fluid flow rate or pipe diameter can be calculated for situations where gravity is the only driving force.
  • Pipe roughness data is included for a wide range of pipe materials and conditions to enable pipe friction factors to be calculated in the turbulent flow regime. Friction factors in the laminar flow regime are independent of pipe roughness.
  • Calculated results for liquids include the pump delivery pressure required in terms of the head of pumped liquid (and of course in pressure terms as well).
  • Preliminary pipe sizing (diameter calculation) can be done before sufficient data is available to perform detailed hydraulic calculations for pressure drop and fluid flow rate by basing calculations on the fluid velocity rather than the pressure drop.
  • The AioFlo interface has been designed to allow translation to languages other than English. In version 1.06 the interface translations to French, German, Portuguese and Spanish are almost complete. (Thanks very much to the users who did these translations!) We are now looking to complete the Italian translation.
  • Neat, single page hydraulic calculation reports can be printed.
  • Small download size - only 2.2 Mb. Totally self-contained software with no dependence on any frameworks, run-time libraries or DLLs.
  • Full install and uninstall utilities included.

Purchase AioFlo together with Uconeer Professional Units Converter and save $10 on a single user license. This gives you Uconeer for only $20.00 more. Bundle site licenses or enterprise licenses of Uconeer and AioFlo for large savings on the regular prices. See purchase page for full pricing details and links to place your order.

AioFlo Development History

Version 1.07 May 21, 2014 Fixed bug in roughness error checking
Version 1.06 May 14, 2014 Portuguese interface translation complete
Version 1.05 Mar 18, 2014 French, German and Spanish interface translations almost complete
Additional error checking
Version 1.04 May 3, 2013 Improved handling of non-standard display DPI
settings (i.e. when not using default 96 DPI)
Version 1.03 Feb 4, 2013 Fixed data not being over written when reading saved files
Version 1.02 Jan 20, 2013 Updated toolbar buttons
Version 1.01 Dec 5, 2012 Expanded Help file
Version 1.00 Dec 1, 2012 First public release